How To Get a U.S. Passport

Jan 19, 2025    David Edmonds

As Christians, we've been given a remarkable gift - citizenship in God's kingdom. This sermon delves into Ephesians 2, reminding us that we were once dead in our sins, but through Christ, we've been made alive. We're no longer strangers or aliens, but fellow citizens with the saints. This citizenship transcends national borders, uniting us with believers across the world and throughout history. Just as a passport grants access to different countries, our spiritual citizenship opens doors to God's presence and power. We're part of a grand building project, with Christ as the cornerstone, being fitted together into a dwelling place for God. This identity calls us to live differently, measuring ourselves against Jesus rather than others. As we grow in our faith, we're challenged to speak truth in love and help expand God's kingdom, inviting others to experience the transformative power of Christ's grace.